Monday, December 7, 2009

CMC 50th anniversary concert

It was definitely cool to see a concert of entirely music from the only the past 30 years and it is probably something I would not have necessarily been interested in before this course. I even tried at one point to listen to the pitch clusters that would ring out from the instruments and, thinking back to earlier in the semester, would rate them on their tension level. I found that although the pieces were atonal for the most part, a lot of it was still "catchy" and only select parts involved extreme dissonances.
I also paid close attention to how the pieces were each constructed. ( In the future I would like to try and write more cohesive pieces that have a common thread throughout the whole piece. I think, my concept of a tonality/ rhythmic freedom is almost limiting because I don't want anything to be predictable.) Anyways, my point is that the pieces that night were not predictable and the returning material was more enjoyable every time it came back and things were still different and interesting to my ear. I thought the pieces were really charming, even humorous at times but also very beautiful and atmospheric.

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